Wednesday 21 August 2013

Nippon Nymphomaniacs

July 2006.

I’d travelled from England to Japan by land and sea. An audacious two month odyssey across the Old World had brought me to the mysterious Orient. Only the vast Pacific Ocean stretched beyond. I was sitting in K’s Guesthouse, Hiroshima, contemplating the horrors I’d just seen at the ironically-named Hiroshima Peace Museum. Gloomily, I was worrying about the future of humanity in this age of nuclear proliferation.

My focus quickly shifted as a woman entered the hostel. She strode confidently towards her room dressed in baggy outdoor attire. Mid-twenties, 150cm, 48kg was my snap assessment – perfect! She had wavy, jet-black, shoulder-length hair that framed a face dominated by a pair of round spectacles. The glasses accentuated her dark almond-shaped eyes. Beautiful, captivating eyes. She looked intelligent, exotic, rugged and sensual all at the same time.

I had been trying to reach the inland mountains of Honshu Island for a spot of trekking. However, thus far, due to language problems I had been unsuccessful. Seeing as this woman was dressed in hiking gear I thought it would be the ideal excuse to strike up a conversation. I jumped out of my chair and anxiously headed towards her.

“Hi, excuse me, do you speak English?” I nervously ventured because if she didn’t all bets were off.

“Err yes, a little.” My mood lifted. I had a chance.

“You have good outdoor clothes. Do you like trekking?” Please say yes.

“Yes I do.” Get in.

“Do you know any good places around here? I’ve had problems with the buses. No English signs.”

“Not rearry because I from Tokyo, I here for work. But tomollow I free. Next day I go home Tokyo.”

“My name’s Steve. What’s your name? Would you like to go trekking with me tomorrow?”

“My name Kiri. Sure I can go tomollow but I go back work today. You go Tourist Information, find somewhere, we can go tomollow.” RESULT!

“OK great. I’ll meet you back here tonight and tell you what I find. Bye!”

Kiri went to her room and I headed out to find a Tourist Information office. I was pleased to learn that there’s a bus service to a place called Sandankyo Gorge. Nestled in the Japanese Alps, it’s about 80km Northwest of Hiroshima and about a two hour bus trip along winding roads. The trek through the 12km gorge supposedly passes spectacular scenery and ends at a large waterfall. Splendid.

I returned to the hostel and waited for Kiri. I invited her out for some Okonomiyaki and a few drinks where I described tomorrow’s destination. She seemed as excited as me about it as she’d heard of it but never been. We planned to stay the night which would involve sharing my small one-man tent. I retired to my dormitory delighted that I’d be spending a whole day trekking with Kiri.

The next morning our bus terminated at a small village that marked the beginning of our 24km trek. We had a breakfast of steamed rice, miso soup and coffee while I marveled at the bus stop that resembled an English garden conservatory. We bought some snacks and water and headed off into the Gorge. The narrow path along the cliffs afforded magnificent views of the river below. The same river that had cut the gorge over millennia. We could easily see the riverbed and fish through the crystal-clear water. We saw no other people and seemed to have paradise to ourselves. We continued enjoying the scenery and each other’s company.

After a few kilometers we had to cross the river. I went first to test the depth and the deepest part went up to my upper thighs. I waited on the other side but Kiri was reluctant. I went back to encourage her to get a move on.

“Water velly high for me. I take off?” She asked indicating her pants.

No problem. I watched her strip naked from the waist down and held her underwear as I watched her struggle across. I couldn’t help but feel aroused as I watched the water reach her pubic hair. I followed her across, she redressed and we carried on. I kept thinking about seeing her half naked for the next few kilometers although I made no mention of it. I still had no idea if she liked me in that way or not.

Further on we reached a fairly large waterfall with a deep pool at the bottom. The water was clear and refreshingly cold. I suggested a swim to cool down on this hot summer’s day.

“But we not have swim clothes.”

“No problem, can swim naked.”

Without waiting for her I stripped off and dived in. Swimming naked through the cold water was magical. The views of the surrounding mountains were sublime. Kiri stood smiling, a picture of demure innocence, watching from the bank, too afraid to join. After much encouragement and reassurances that no one would come she eventually acquiesced. I excitedly watched her strip and carefully enter the pool.

This was awesome. Skinny dipping in an aquatic utopia with a hot Tokyoite. Life doesn’t get much better than this. We frolicked underneath the waterfall and had a lot of fun. I was clearly aroused and this was never more apparent than when I stood on a rock preparing to dive in. Kiri’s face was a picture. However, still nothing like that happened.

We continued to the main waterfall and then back to the village. Just as I had erected the tent it started raining. We decided to sleep in the bus shelter instead. Kiri switched the lights on (lights in a bus shelter? It must be Japan) and we laid our ground mats and sleeping bags right next to each other. Enclosed in this glass building we were safe from the raging storm. Lights out and we lay close together listening to each other breathe. Neither of us daring to make a move. Sleep? No chance this close to her. I wondered if she felt the same?

“Do you want massage?” She asked after like what seemed an eternity.

“Yes. But let me massage you first.” I answered almost too quickly.

I proceeded to let my hands roam all over her diminutive body. It was more of a sexual exploration than a massage. She let out quiet whimpers of pleasure as I gradually removed her clothing. She returned the compliment and before we knew it a night of intense passion had started. A night that lasted until day break. Truly, a night I will never forget.

We were still in each other’s arms when we woke to the voices of people waiting for the morning bus back to Hiroshima. They were waiting outside the building and seemed annoyed that we’d commandeered their regular waiting room. We dressed awkwardly underneath the sleeping bags, packed our bags and joined the queue. We felt very embarrassed as we suspected the old folk knew exactly what had gone down in the bus stop.

On the bus back Kiri explained how she was going back to Tokyo. I asked to go with her as I had no plans. She lived with her parents so that wouldn’t be possible. At Hiroshima bus station I boarded a westbound bus to Shimonoseki and she boarded an eastbound one to Tokyo. My bus left first and we waved to each other knowing that that would be the last time we would ever lay eyes on each other.

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