Friday 24 February 2012

Escaping Phuket after 2 years.


A life-changing event occurred recently, yes.......Whitney Houston died. Nightmare. BBC World News exceeded every one's expectations by reporting this in Princess Di-esque proportions. Well done to them. The fact that thousands were been massacred in Syria was neither here nor there.

In other news, I finally quit my prestigious international school job in Phuket. I moved to Kajonkiet School to teach GCSE maths and physics but only lasted one month. I suddenly felt an overwhelming need to leave Phuket after almost two years on the island. I quit teaching on 31st January 2012. I then relaxed at Patra Mansion for two weeks (since I had already paid that month's rent) before packing up and heading to Trang.

I stayed at Tom's in Trang for 6 nights. We didn't do much else other than drink. Chloe, from New York, decided to quit Phuket after 1 year. She helped Steve run O'Malley's bar and hostel in Phuket Town. She came down to Trang where she experienced the joys of living in the sticks. I took her to Sai Rung waterfall as a token gesture to do something not bar related. The Trang lads have now established a weekly 5-a-side footy competition, Thai language lessons and some other social events which were sadly lacking when I lived there. Trang's new slogan is "Onwards and upwards".

I am currently sitting relaxing in Penang in the 75 guest house where I've always stayed when I come to this town. I have obtained a 140RM Thai 'tourist' visa ready for re-entry into Thailand as I am now officially retired. We have been gorging ourselves on delicious Indian food while the opportunity avails itself. Yesterday, Chloe, Tony (Phuket Town-Scarborough lad) and myself walked 5km up the 823m Penang Hill. We intended to get the train back down but baulked at the 17RM asking price. So we walked back down instead while ringing our shirts out and fighting off monkeys.

Slightly annoying was Penang Hill's revamp. There used to be a collection of food and market shacks selling cheap eats and clothes at the top. These have been removed and replaced with 'posh' outlets. The train has also been upgraded. This all has to be paid for therefore the train ticket prices have increased correspondingly - a trip up Penang Hill is a much more expensive endeavour these days (unless you walk up from the Botanical gardens).


I intend to travel back into Thailand on Sunday 26th February. I will collect my bag and bike from Tom's before travelling up to see Russel's house in Don Sak (near the ferry jetty for Samui). I will then attend a 10 day silent meditation retreat at Wat Suon Mok at Chaiya in Surat Thani province. Check out the link - I wanted to do this in 2008 but never got round to it.

Then I will drive up to Kanchanaburi, Ayuddya, Bangkok and finally Pattaya where I have an interview to teach maths for only three days/week. I will then head to Sa Keow to see American Matt who has just moved up there from Trang. It should be interesting hanging out near the Cambodian border for a while. Then I might continue on a bike tour of Isaan and the North for the remainder of my visa.

If I get the job in Pattaya (starting mid-May) I will stay one more year in Thailand. If not, I will simply travel around SE Asia for another year - both good options. I fancy Sumatra and India/Nepal this time around.


Kids will be kids. As I was invigilating an exam at my new school, I noticed this desk daubing. It says "Cartoon ben dee + tom" and "Piu ben gay". This means that Cartoon is both the male and female half of a lesbian relationship. This is quite a feat by any standards. Piu is simply gay.

I noticed this Russian film crew at Laem Prom Thep. The Russians are taking over Phuket!

Give it another year and Russian will be added to this.

Wor Mick made it back to Thailand for a second time. I only saw him for two nights. He stayed on Koh Lanta for most of his trip. I took him and Scouse Colin to a Korean BBQ where you cook all your own food - being chefs they loved it!

Here are the kids at my last short-lived school. They had to sit like this every morning listening to a song about breathing.

These fine people are the teachers of Kajonkiet School. As you can see they loved this morning ritual too.

If you like to see Katoeys dolled up in traditional Thai attire you should head to Wat Chalong at Chinese New Year!

I liked how my school failed to spell BILINGUAL correctly on a mobile advert. Or, perhaps it is a school of BLING?? Once you wear enough jewellry and pimp enough bitches you become BLINGUAL??

I took this shot of the beach as I'm unsure when I'll see one again.

USA Karen recently bought Roxy Bar in Phuket Town. She gave everybody a 'cumshot' cocktail. Here I am drinking my cumshot.

This is the lass next to me dribbling hers. Maybe she's done porn before?

This is Karen enjoying some shop beers down Phuket Town's infamous Soi 11. She is now the proud owner of Roxy Bar! I have been comatose on that very seat many many times.

I saw this sign on Patong beach requesting hawkers not to sell lanterns because of the fire hazard. However, there is a hawker lighting one in the background about 15m away from this sign. Thailand? Have to love it.

I ate some seafood here looking across to Coconut Island on Phuket's east coast.

On my way from Phuket to Trang I noticed my bike pass 34343.4km. Yes, I'm still a geek. There'll be a lot more km going onto this machine in the next few months.

And here's my bike loaded up with all my worldly possessions. Easy Rider? Not really but that bike is one of the best things I've ever bought - I've had so much enjoyment from it.

Look at these booze prices on arrival in Trang. I drink Leo and a small Leo can be 80bt on Phuket. BIG Leo is 70bt in Trang. Love it!!!!! Less than half the price of bullshit tourist places.

Irish Tom and American Matt taking advantage of these beer prices. These two lads can make me sore with laughing! Admittedly, they're not looking too happy here - miserable bastards! They're both long time residents of Trang although Matt's moving to Sa Keow in March.

After one particularly gruelling night in Nat's bar this fella could barely get his key in the bike. He still drove home though! Thailand? Mental.


Yoo tee Phuket song pee liew - I've lived in Phuket for two years.
Wat - temple

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