Wednesday 18 October 2006

A month in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Wow - what a place. Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles and it doesn't take long to appreciate why. I flew here from Kunming two weeks ago. Chang Mai is located in the mountainous north of Thailand. It's well south of the Tropic of Cancer so it has a tropical climate and lush jungle-like vegetation - this is the furthest south I've ever been and my first time in the tropics. I think I love it!

I have my own double room (for the first time in ages) for £1.50/night. I've rented a motorbike for £2/day and explored the city and its surroundings. I've become enchanted with Thailand! The only negative so far is that the beer is more expensive than China.

I've spent time with a girl called Goong whom I met in a bar on Loi Kroh road. This is the main nightlife area just off a moat that surrounds the old town. This is where I saw a couple of Thailand's famous ladyboys for the first time, not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.

I've been having sensuous one hour oil massages for £3. I've been to a gogo bar where stunning women dance naked on a stage right in front of you as you down beers. The women here are beautiful and many of them (in the tourist bars) are on the game. They have a saying: no money, no honey and from what I hear it's very true - one bloke told me they are the fastest money reducing agents known to man! Thailand has a tangible party feel and I think I've done too much of it for my own good.

There is so much colour here - sparkling Buddhist temples manifest themselves around every corner. Such a change from drab Europe. Why can't Christianity be vibrant and colourful? Yesterday I saw the highly revered King of Thailand's motorcade when I was on my scooter! He has a palace nearby on Doi Suthep mountain.

I really like it here and I might come back to live someday - I've no idea what the future has in store. Oh yeah - there are many Falangs (foreigners) here so it's a big change from China where there are fewer Westerners. Anyway, I'm off for a Chang beer and a tab since I appear to have started smoking again!

I hope you're well and living the dream which is your life.

Sawaddeecap (Thai for 'Areet'?)

1 comment:

  1. Alreet Stevie lad? crackin read your blog is, hope all is well mate stay safe an live the dream, its got me thinkin bout travelling again, maybe i'll catch up with you on some leg of your journey LA/Mexico could be a laugh take care mate an look forward to a beer with ya soon best wishes Tree
