Wednesday 1 March 2006

AWOL Geordie

I'm from Northumberland, England. In 2006 I embarked on a global odyssey and created this blog to document the adventures and preserve the memories. I enjoy writing and hopefully the reader will enjoy a few laughs along the way.

Most people are not born into a world of opulence and I was no exception. At 16 I joined the Royal Navy. A decade of ships and submarines fueled a thirst for further travel. I spent a few lackluster years in civvy street but, disenfranchised with life in the UK, forged an escape.

I sold a house, car and all the other trimmings of a debt slave's life. With no real plan I caught a bus from Newcastle to Aberdeen armed with only a passport, an ATM card, a tent and a huge sense of freedom. The only regret is that I didn't leave earlier.

It's been a hell of a journey, a few highlights:
  • Crossing the Arctic circle off Iceland
  • The Tibetan Himalayas
  • Earthquakes in Taiwan
  • Catastrophic Typhoons in the Philippines
  • Near-fatal motorbike crashes
  • Dengue fever - twice
  • Futuristic Japan to backwards Burma
  • The Trans-Siberian train
  • Ferries on the Yangtze, Mekong and Ayerwaddy
  • The Borneo jungle
  • Horse-riding the Mongolian steppe
  • Partying with remote Vietnamese hill tribes
  • Meditating with Buddhist monks
  • Alcoholic horse milk and balut
  • Bagan and Angkor Wat
  • 150,000km on motorbikes
  • Scuba diving with sharks
  • Trekking in Nepal

Unfortunately, I've had to work occasionally and this has involved teaching in Taiwan, Thailand, China, Cambodia and Vietnam. Affording great insights into the respective cultures and languages.

Novel: Hill Tribe Love

Chokdee na khrap.


  1. Hi Steve, great to meet you at the Careers Day yesterday. Hope you enjoy your holiday in Surat Thani and prepare for your next trip/work in the Middle East. Will tell my son in Newcastle about your adventure travels in Asia.

    Teddy (and Henry)

    1. Hi Teddy, glad you found it! My retirement will be taking me south in the next few days. It was nice chatting with you briefly on Friday. All the best. Steve.

  2. Hey man, just wanted to say I hope you're going OK after your shocker last year. It really struck a chord with me. I've "retired early" too, at 38. 40 now, and have been to CM for a month as part of the adventure. If I lost it all I would be doing exactly what you are. Working it out with cheap outlay. Don't work too hard. Have lots of sex. Keep sharing if it helps mate, as it helps the rest of us to hear what you're going through.

  3. Hiya - you might be interested to read the editorial in The Big Chillie this month - pages 6 and 8 -

  4. Hi, friend, I hope are doing well. I don't know where are and what you do right, Please write me back when you see my comment. I was the guy who at the elephant farm. The one that you took picture with. I was wearing the Karen shirt. This is my email. I hope to hear back from you soon.

    Best Regard

  5. Your journey has certainly been an adventurous one with many more to go, good luck in China and I'll see you soon!
